

How to Handle Tenant Complaints

How you handle tenant complaints says a lot about you as a property manager. A quick turnaround time that makes your tenant happy and leaves your business flowing smoothly is key. These three simple ideas can take the frustrating, upside down frown of a tenant complaint and turn it right side up for the both … Continued

Lease Lessons: 3 Ways To Help Tenants Understand Their Lease

Leases protect both property managers and property tenants during the term of a property rental. But because leases are notoriously long and wordy – and people’s attention spans are shorter than ever – lease disputes are a common property management headache. How do you prevent tenants from breaking the terms of your lease and causing … Continued

Texting For Property Managers: 6 Do's & Don'ts

Do you ever text your tenants? How about your prospects? SMS texting has a lot of benefits for property managers. For one thing, sending a text is faster than writing an email or placing a call. Texts also have higher open rates than emails. And younger generations increasingly prefer texting over other forms of communication. … Continued

Feature Spotlight: SMS Text Messaging

Have you ever wanted to text your tenants to tell them about maintenance at their properties? Or remind them that rent is due? Or reach out to prospects with a special offer? Good news: you can! Yardi Breeze SMS text messaging capabilities make communicating with your prospects and tenants easy. If you’re a Yardi Breeze … Continued