Renter 411: What Tenant Information You Should Track & Why


How much do you know about your renters? Sure, you have their names, contact details and leases on file, but what else should you be keeping track of? Storing detailed tenant information in your property management system can help you better monitor your properties and enforce policies. It can also help you improve your relationship with your renters.

Wondering which types of tenant information you should track? We’ve got seven suggestions for you, as well as some tips for using it.

What types of tenant information should you track?

Birthdays: Track tenant birthdays so you can send them a personalized card, text or email. Take it a step further and add a coffee gift card or other treat.

Cars: Keep a record of make, model and license number of your tenants’ cars. This will come in handy when a car is blocking an access point or seems to be abandoned. You can check if it belongs to one of your tenants before towing.

Children: If you manage residential properties, tracking the names and ages of your tenants’ children will help you keep a record of who should and shouldn’t be in the unit. It will also save you and your staff from awkward memory gaps and let you personalize resident communications.

Hours: If you have retail or office tenants, keep a record of their business hours for maintenance and communication purposes. Do you manage apartments or single family homes? Make a note of any renters who work at night, have young babies or have other special circumstances that may impact the times and ways you communicate with them.

Parking spaces: If you have assigned parking spaces at your property, tracking tenant parking space information is critical to mediating any parking disputes.

Pets: Do you allow pets at your units? Note what types of pets each tenant has, including breed, size and color as appropriate. That way if you see a loose or strange pet on the property, you can see whose it is. It will also help you manage your pet policy and spot check for violations.

Social media accounts: Have tenants who are active on social media? Add their channels and usernames. You never know when that information will come in handy for referral or marketing opportunities.

Referrals: Speaking of referrals, if your tenant has referred another renter, be sure to log that information so you have a record of the relationship. Do you offer referral incentives? Monitor who has gotten one – or more than one!

How can Yardi Breeze help you track tenant information?

Yardi Breeze makes it easy to track tenant information. Simply log in, go to the Tenant screen and click the Other Info tab to get started.

Customizable data fields mean you can track any kind of info you want. Do you manage a mixed portfolio? You can track different information for your residential and commercial tenants. Visit our Help Center or chat with our support team to learn more.

Reporting on tenant information with Yardi Breeze

Once you have additional tenant information entered in Yardi Breeze, you can run reports to organize that information to meet your needs. For example, you might want to create a list of all the cars and license plates at a particular property. You can run that report in seconds with Yardi Breeze instead of wasting your valuable time pulling that information one tenant at a time.