We’re very excited to introduce you to Lexi Beausoleil, a longtime Yardi team member (since 2014) who just switched over to Yardi Breeze as our marketing campaign specialist. If Yardi’s done it, she’s probably seen it and been a part of it.
It’s amazing to have someone of her caliber to keep us organized, provide valuable market insights and guide the marketing team’s vision for the new decade. She’s a smart, humble and always genuine person. Why else would she be here, right?

You had a few roles at Yardi before focusing on Breeze. Has it been a challenge to work on different products?
In the nearly six years I have been with Yardi, I’ve had the chance to work with just about every product and market we serve in some way. I started as a proposal writer and needed to know a lot of detail about everything we do. It was a great training ground and helped so much when I transitioned to marketing.
Luckily, I like change and have found meeting these challenges so fulfilling. I am the type that can get bored pretty quickly otherwise. Part of our Yardi motto is “stay focused and grow,” and I take this to heart. I relish having the opportunity to grow and learn constantly.
What would you want a future Yardi employee to know?
If you are someone who takes pride in your work and in being of service to your coworkers, clients and community, then you will be at home at Yardi and do very well here.
What experience did you have to prepare you for this job?
Funny enough, growing up, I had two grandparents in the real estate industry. My first paying “job” was helping my grandma stick stamps on mailers as a little girl.
I studied International Development at UCLA and started out working in the nonprofit sector. I helped run an international civic education program. It might not seem related to my work at Yardi, but like many of our clients, in order to be of service to people and to accomplish the mission within a tight budget, people at nonprofits wear many hats.
We didn’t have a marketing person, so I had to learn how to do everything myself. My passion for civic education sparked my new love for marketing. I did a lot of international travel and public speaking in that role, which exposed me to many people and proved invaluable to my career.
I later had the opportunity to do marketing for a national real estate investment brokerage team. A friend thought of me when they were having a hard time finding the right person for the position. I thought I would give it a try for a few years to see what working for a multinational company would be like.
Who knew that all these experiences would come in handy now that I am working with Breeze?
Name one thing about yourself that makes you proud?
I became a mom last year, and nothing I have ever done (or will do, I am pretty sure) fills my heart with as much pride and joy as my daughter. I know it’s said so much it sounds cheesy, but I never got it until I experienced it for myself.
Let’s say you could turn your personality into a brand. Give yourself a memorable tagline.
Even as a marketing person, this is a really hard question for me.
I embrace the idea that we are all multifaceted beings, and every part of us is welcome and deserving. It’s hard to put my own personality neatly in a box with a label and bow on top. Also, as a marketer, I would want to conduct some focus groups and market research before making such a big decision!
Yardi Breeze is refreshingly simple software, but I’m a wonderfully complex person, so maybe that would be my tagline.
If an advanced race of friendly aliens offered to show you one thing in the universe, what would you want to see?
I would ask to see a tesseract so they could take me to a higher dimension.
If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would it be and why?
I would have a big dinner party with all the generations of my ancestors. I’ve gone pretty deep on Ancestry.com and done the DNA tests. I’ve always been fascinated by my mixed heritage and the history of those that had to exist for me to be here today.
There are so many names I know now, including where and when they lived, but their stories are mostly missing. It would be so amazing to talk to my ancestors who lived in Herstmonceux Castle in England or who likely came to the Americas on ships from West Africa as enslaved people. I doubt they could have ever imagined a great-great-great granddaughter like me.